Outreach Presentations
The Writing Center offers two options for Outreach Presentations: we’re happy to either join your synchronous Zoom class or visit your classroom for a short presentation. We also provide videos below to link in your Canvas site for later viewing. Please do submit a request below and we’ll follow up with you for your particular needs.
You can select the link below to take you to our pre-recorded Outreach Presentation over on Youtube. You’re welcome to add a link to this video to your Canvas course, Announcements, or website.
If you would like to request a live presentation either in class or via Zoom, you can do so via the big gold button below:
Request an Outreach Presentation from our staff
Inclusion in Your Course
Faculty and programs across campus have student writers connect to our office in various ways. From required submissions and visits to extra credit opportunities to other more specific requests, we’re happy to work with you to build Writing Center support into your course, workshop, or presentation.
To help us prepare our staff to meet your or your students’ needs and timelines, please contact us at writingcenter@missouri.edu.
Syllabus Statement
The Writing Center is a free and confidential service available for your entire career at the University. Writing tutors are available to help all writers at MU with any stage of their writing process, on any writing task, including course-based assignments and application materials. Writing Center tutors will ask great questions and provide feedback and considerations for revision but will never discuss grades with or edit/write for students.
Writing support is available year-round via the Online Writery and synchronously via video or on-campus sites during fall, spring, and summer semesters. Students can access the Writing Center in the following ways:
- To schedule an appointment with a tutor, log on to the Online Writery with your pawprint and password. The site will show you appropriate tutors for your writing needs, and you can view the campus site or Zoom options available in the “Location” column. You will receive:
- A confirmation email with your appointment details, including a Zoom link for Zoom appointments
- A reminder email the morning of your appointment
- An email “receipt” the morning after your appointment, which you can forward to an instructor/professor for proof of attendance
- The Online Writery is also where you can submit a draft for review. This service is available 24/7/365, and generally provides a 24-to-48-hour turnaround. You will receive a confirmation email when you submit and another email when a tutor has responded.